Two hispanic women embracing with their foreheads touching, one younger and one older with her head wrapped in a scarf, looking into each other's eyes and smiling

Su voz importa

Cada día, los investigadores biofarmacéuticos estadounidenses trabajan para desarrollar tratamientos y curas que salvan vidas.

Estamos luchando para asegurar que la innovación llegue a la comunidad latina.

¡PARTICIPE! Sus acciones marcan la diferencia. Tome parte en el futuro de la medicina. 

Haga oír su voz y actúe en cuestiones políticas importantes que afectan a todos los latinos.

Vídeo de paciente

Patty Romero Trostle

Latinos están unidos por las curas

Como alguien que ha luchado contra la hipertensión crónica desde que era niña, conozco de primera mano cómo los problemas de salud pueden afectar a una vida. En los últimos años, mis problemas de salud se han agravado e intensificado debido al aumento de los costes de los productos, como las opciones de comida sana, y al aumento de los gastos de bolsillo en la farmacia.

  • What New Cures Would Mean to Families

    In 2021, my husband, Larry and I found ourselves sitting at a medical center receiving the news that Larry was being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. We were so scared. While this was a common dementia-related disease that impacts so many seniors, there wasn’t a catch-all treatment developed yet. We are fortunate to live during a time where science has never been more promising. I hope our nation’s elected leaders don’t forget patients like my husband who are counting on U.S. biopharmaceutical leadership to support advances in medicine.
  • What New Cures Would Mean to Families

    In 2021, my husband, Larry and I found ourselves sitting at a medical center receiving the news that Larry was being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. We were so scared. While this was a common dementia-related disease that impacts so many seniors, there wasn’t a catch-all treatment developed yet. We are fortunate to live during a time where science has never been more promising. I hope our nation’s elected leaders don’t forget patients like my husband who are counting on U.S. biopharmaceutical leadership to support advances in medicine.